I get anxious about Valentine's Day. It is a time to celebrate love. I get it. But, what if you don't have a significant other on Feb. 14th? What to do?!? Well, I don't have a significant other but I have lots of friends and family that I love and I will be telling them, as I do throughout the year. I also love my dog and he knows it each and every day by the long walks, the extra treats and the belly rubs. It makes a difference to know when someone loves you or at least likes you and appreciates you. You don't have to be "in love" to spread the feeling or share the sentiment. At FOOT TRAFFIC we want you to know we love YOU and we appreciate YOU! Without your continued support and attention to FOOT TRAFFIC 's socks and legwear we would be on the streets selling hot dogs (although there is nothing wrong with that!) We are sending lots of love to you and hope that you will continue to enjoy our brand and our product as much as we do. WE LOVE YOU FOOT TRAFFIC CUSTOMERS! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!