Holiday Retreat

Holiday Retreat

There is something about the first snow that is always exciting. When those flakes start falling it is magical. This past week it snowed for the first time this year and I decided to stay at home and get things done rather that venture out in the bitter cold. It was a good feeling to just be at home and doing holiday chores from my own haven. And to be perfectly honest, I wore my "at-home-attire" which is my most comfy leggings and non-matching long t-shirt, socks , no make-up and my hair pulled back in an unidentifiable style. I realized that whatever I needed to do out of the house could wait. I felt giddy that I did not have to interact with anyone and I could claim this day just mine, to share only with my dogs. I never turned on the television. I got so much done--- finished ordering holiday gifts online; cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms; addressed my holiday cards and most importantly, I sat on the couch and read. I find that with a crazy work, family and social schedule, I forget what a good book can do to challenge my thinking and take me to places I don't normally go. I enjoyed hot tea and cozied up in a warm blanket next to the fire, spending two glorious hours just absorbed in a book, Rebecca , a classic Gothic novel, which I highly recommend. I admit there were moments when I thought I needed to clean up and go out to run errands but one look in the mirror, I realized what the process would involve so I just stayed in. During the course of a normal day, I have moments of time when I take a small break but never is it an entire day. Sick days don't count. So when you are cursing the snow or menacing weather, try taking a day in your own home to enjoy just for you. No make-up, no shoes, no fancy clothes, no meetings, no people. It is the best gift you can give yourself in the crazy holiday rush and beyond. Save Save Save