Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos, is a very special holiday celebrated in southern and central Mexico on November 1 and 2. This ancient celebration coincides with the Catholic holiday called All Souls' and All Saint's Day, both holidays honoring their deceased loved ones. This tradition can be traced back to 12th century Europe and was brought to South America by Spaniards resulting in a cultural merging of the Catholic celebration and that of the Mexican holiday. It is believed that the gates of heaven are opened on Oct. 31 and the spirits of deceased children are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. Then on Nov. 2 the adult spirits come down and celebrate the festivities that have been prepared for them. It is a very happy occasion and much preparation goes into the food and decorations for this annual event, including marigolds, candles, favorite foods of the deceased, and sugar skulls. One of the most popular symbols that characterize the Day of the Dead is the sugar skull. The making of sugar skulls is a project that is shared with friends and family, creating the skulls to capture the joy and spirit of the deceased loved ones. Sugar skulls are confections made of sugar, meringue, and water and pressed into a skull mold and left to dry. They are then decorated with bright, colorful and whimsical icing and accessories to capture the personality of the deceased, each one unique and personal. They are not meant to be eaten but rather to honor and celebrate the past. Today, the celebration has spread to other Latin American countries as well as the United States. Festivals, parades and celebrations make for fun and meaningful gatherings to recognize this popular holiday. Whether you are participating in the celebration or just enjoy the fun of sugar skulls, show your global spirit wearing a pair of FOOT TRAFFIC sugar skull novelty socks this fall!